Welcome to the story of Brigadier General Cuthbert Henry Tindall Lucas’ capture by the IRA in June/July 1920. It is the Irish War of Independence equivalent of the WW1 Christmas Day Football match.
Over the next few weeks we will be posting letters sent from Brig. General Lucas to his wife Poppy in England as seen on the BBC’s Antique Roadshow from Eltham Palace (https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0by4s9x/antiques-roadshow-series-41-4-eltham-palace - approx. 36 minutes in)
Along with these there will be extracts from IRA Witness statements, newspaper cuttings, Hansard, Churchill’s memos and family history passed down through the generations.
It’s a wonderful story of kindness, respect, humour and humanity near its best at a time of bitter conflict. Posts start on Thursday 18th June.